"When I received my video I couldn't wait to see it, and once I saw it I couldn't stop crying reliving that moment, these guys made my day unforgettable for life thank you very much".
Andria & Armando.
Your wedding day is a once-in-a-lifetime event, and it deserves to be captured by the best wedding videographers in the industry. Our team of professional and experienced wedding videographers is dedicated to creating beautiful and cinematic videos that tell your unique love story. With our creativity and artistic vision, we have become award-winning local wedding videographers who are sought after by couples near and far. Whether you're searching for a wedding videographer near me or you're willing to travel for the best, we are committed to delivering personalized and professional service that exceeds your expectations. We understand that every wedding is different, which is why we take the time to get to know you and your vision for your special day. Our talented and artistic wedding videographers use the latest equipment and techniques to capture every moment in stunning detail. Let us create a wedding video that you'll cherish for years to come.
professional videographer
we make movies not simple videos
our wedding videographers
Our wedding videographers are responsible for capturing and producing high-quality videos of your special day.
Our professional videographers are trained with a keen eye for detail, an artistic flair, and technical expertise in operating state-of-the-art camera and video equipment.
On the wedding day, our videographers work closely with the couple and their families to ensure that all important moments are captured on film, from the bride and groom getting ready, to the ceremony, reception, and all of the little details in between. They also capture candid moments and interactions between guests, family, and friends to create a story-like narrative of the wedding day.
After the wedding day, our videographers spend time carefully editing the footage to create a final product that tells the story of the day in a compelling and emotional way. The client will have the option to choose the music, but our professional will make sure it fits perfectly with every clip. And last but not least the audio and special effects to enhance the story and create a cinematic experience that the couple can cherish for a lifetime.
Overall, our wedding videographers are dedicated to providing personalized, professional, and creative wedding videography services to capture the unique and special moments of each wedding day.
cinematic trailer
Wedding Trailer: A wedding trailer is a short video that typically lasts between 1 to 2 minutes and gives viewers a sneak peek into the wedding day.
Vanessa & Steven - Villa Woodbine Miami, Fl.
"Miami wedding cinema is by far the best wedding video company out there! Our wedding video was perfect in every way, in fact it was a epic mini movie!"
Vanessa & Steven.
Jacklyn & Daniel - The Farm Miami FL.
"Our video left us speechless, and not just that but it is such an incredible memory that we have."
Jacklyn & Daniel.
A True film from the Beginning to the End!
a master piece of your wedding
wedding highlights
Wedding Highlight: A wedding highlight, on the other hand, is a longer video that showcases the best moments of the day and can range from 4 to 10 minutes. It comes with much more detail than a trailer, this video includes the vows of the bride and groom, speeches from their best man and bridesmaid and is set to music of the client's choice.
Elsa & Alain's Wedding Film (Highlight)
Lucia & Pedro's Wedding Film (Highlight)
the best way to have your wedding
cinema gallery
This is how We usually Deliver our Videos (Cinema Video Gallery)
Mobile & Tablet Friendly
"It is so nice to have our Wedding Videos everywhere we go, This Gallery it's Amazing we love it"
Andria & Armando.
- Wedding Videographer
- Professional Wedding Videographer
- Creative Wedding Videographer
- Experienced Wedding Videographer
- Award-winning Wedding Videographer
- Talented Wedding Videographer
- Artistic Wedding Videographer
- Wedding Videographer near me
- Local Wedding Videographer
- Cinematic Wedding Videographer